Skipped week 10...
so many assignment still so many more to go...
this week User Interface Design...
it's forms, buttons & all the relevant input and output user needs to interact with to be able to complete the desired task. The inputs & outputs can be identified by context diagram, or other DFD diagrams in other levels. If the OO approach is being used in analysis trigger in the event table might be the source to identify the required input/output.
One of the characteristics of a well-designed user interface is not necessarily providing too mush information but enough & well-organized. user should be able to navigate through pages & find necessary information easily.
nobody can tell whether the interface is well-designed but the user. there some factors out of control of human which should be considered when designing the interface. these factors are called human factors.
form can be designed in windows or browser; but having browser form has the advantage of sharing one form for internal staff as well as consumer and suppliers